Unlimited insights into data and AI related opportunities and risks
Integrating Factors' suite of services enables a unified enterprise-wide view of data and AI related business opportunities and risk factors, enabling policy alignment and driving consistent outcomes.
Data Integration
Unlock the information in your existing information systems to drive AI models and business decisions.
Policy and Program Analytics
Spend less time worrying about data integration issues and more time conducting analysis, making policy recommendations and guiding practice.
Single View of Entity
Enable your service professionals and provider agencies to have a comprehensive and shared view of each entity's unique needs, risk factors and history.
Data Governance
Foster cross-program information sharing, coordination and collaboration among agencies and partners to align data policies, improve data accuracy, consistency, and timeliness, and drive appropriate interventions.
How Our HHS Solutions Work
Under the hood, our Interagency Client Identity Management (ICIM) capability has advanced features to create and manage “client record clusters”, maximizing the power of the match process, while minimizing false positives and negatives. Client record clusters are continually re-evaluated for integrity and reconfigured if necessary as client data changes within the service system silos.
The analytics tools allow data analysts and caseworkers to organize, segment and analyze matched and linked client populations based upon a variety of criteria. These extensive tools let you identify the types and timelines of services provided by various service systems; the needs, risk and protective factors for each client and their families; unique episodic or recidivistic service patterns; and the disposition and service linkages at the conclusion of services.
At a Glance
Years of Experience
Users Served
Client Profiles
Program Areas Served