Dive Into the New Age of Big Data Analytics and Statistical Learning
Our Solutions
Target Population Analytics
The Target Population Analytics toolset helps you spend less time worrying about data integration issues and more time identifying better policy approaches to improving outcomes. Instead of worrying about data integration issues, you can focus on conducting analysis, making policy recommendations and guiding practice. It allows you to easily import and link data from your programmatic data systems and visualize matched and linked client populations based upon a variety of criteria such as service history, needs, risks and protective factors.
Cohort Matching
Match and link your client data with those of other agencies and programs identifying care gaps and duplications. Perform longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis to gain insights into fragmentation and disconnects in the care delivery process and iteratively test new ways to address them using advanced analytics and statistical learning methods.
Client Risk Assessment
A single, 360 degree view of each client's needs and service history including all of his or her data from multiple service systems. A feature to incorporate consent and waiver can be configured to allow cross-system information sharing.
Care Coordination
Many clients are involved in more than one System of Care. Because these systems of care are driven by multiple programs and data systems, critical client information is often not shared. Such information may include clients’ history of services, current or past needs, or specific challenges that may impact his or her ability to engage in services. This lack of cross-system information can lead to challenges such as parallel and duplicative service planning, decisions made with limited information, lack of knowledge of service partners, to name a few. The Care Coordination tool enables case workers to coordinate care delivery across multiple, diverse, and disconnected client data systems.

We Integrate With Your Data Systems
Integrating Factors' advanced data ingestion, curation and linking capabilities make it possible to integrate client data from an arbitrarily large number of data sources at scale.